Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Last night I was inspired to make a blanket, this is what I accomplished in a few hours of tv watching.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Starting all over

I was worried that I had forgotten how to knit after my hiatus, but it's just like getting back on a bike I suppose, you just don't forget the basics. I started this last night and cut into my knitting time, with a little photography.


It has been quite a while since I've been able to knit, I haven't actually gotten the Okay from my doctor either. However, he gave me a shot of steroids over a month ago, and I've had very little pain since, so I've decided that I can knit again. Last night I started winding my first ball of yarn in over eight months. Half way through I realized I should have taken a picture of the skien (avec ball), the colours are outstanding, but not so great in this lighting.