Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Carpal Tunnel Release - My Recovery

Carpal Tunnel Release - My Recovery
Originally uploaded by tsaiware

It has been just over a month since my Carpal Tunnel Release surgery on my right hand. I put a little collage of the healing process, it may be a little difficult to look at for the squeemish, I know I had a hard time looking at it many times over the past month.

I am happy to say that it is looking good, I have almost all the mobility back, I am currently typing with all ten digits! I still have a couple weeks to go in getting my strength and grip back, its all good.

The left hand surgery is looking more likely now that I know the right hand seemed to have been 100% successful (so far).

I hope I will be able to knit again soon, but I may still give it another 6 weeks before I try. Good thing I have the embellisher!


At Wednesday, June 20, 2007 10:30:00 AM, Blogger Pixiepurls said...

wow, do you know what the success rate is for that type of surgery? I had heard it wasnt high so i always wondered...

At Wednesday, June 20, 2007 11:47:00 AM, Blogger Jay-too said...

I think the success rate is around 95%, unfortunately about 5% of people will infact feel the effects of carpal tunnel again a few months after the surgery. I'm keeping my fingers crossed (now that I can -lol) that I won't be one of the 5%. Which is part of the reason I'm electing to have the left hand done next year, just incase!


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